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This week was week 2 out 6 weeks of radiation and chemo treatments. All went well except for the MRI scanner broke down on Thursday, which means I had to miss radiation. They can’t do radiation if they can’t find my brain with MRI. So they add an additional day to the end of my treatment, which will now be November 8th. I’m hoping for no more delays or extensions of my treatment into November. After radiation and chemo, the brain needs time for swelling to go down so they can accurately assess how effective the treatment is being in killing the cancer. I am supposed to have four weeks off from chemo and radiation after my last treatment. Pray that there are no more technology, mechanical delays. Over the Thanksgiving holidays I want to be able to visit my dad in Madison, Mississippi as well as celebrate Thanksgiving with family in Baton Rouge, LA if all goes according to plan.

Out of the blue my voice started sounding raspy. It started to sound like it sounded when I came out of my brain surgery after being intubated, but it has been over a month since since my brain surgery. If you are familiar the Clint Eastwood Movie, Grand Torino, he is a grumpy old man who doesn’t like his neighbors. We called my new voice my Clint Eastwood “Get off my lawn Dragon Lady voice” voice. I have a little infection in my throat that can be a side-effect from chemo. They prescribed some antibiotic lozenges that have worked very well.

My appetite and energy remain strong. I am still able to work from home. I am the Academic Dean of the Awakening School of Theology. We have 1300 online students who are in their fall semester that we serve, and we are gearing up for enrollment to begin in November for our Spring 2022 semester. Needless to say, there is plenty to do, and I love what I get to do. I love the people that I get to work with at Awakening. I’m very excited about some great new initiatives that I’ll be leading in the School of Theology.

I’m writing a book that is taking the research from my doctoral work on the gospel and making it more accessible on a popular level. The working title of the book is: The Gospel of More: The gospel is more of Jewish Journey than a Romans Road. This week I finished up my last chapter, “The Gospel is More than the Cross”. It is the cross and resurrection, but resurrection really only gets talked about one week out of the year at Easter, but it needs to be talked about every time the gospel is talked about.

There are no coincidences. If you know Wayne Austin, then you know what I may say next. He has faithfully reached out to me after my surgery and ongoing cancer treatment. For those of you who don’t know, many in Baton Rouge calle him Pappa. He is a spiritual Father, a Godly man, who pastors many pastors and people. He is loves the Word and loves people. He is known for wise sayings like this when we people encounter trials, “We face facts, but we hold on with faith and believe the Father. He is also known for saying we need to have a “Third Day Mentality”. That’s having a resurrection mentality. Resurrection and power go together. Resurrection is the power source for our life in Christ.

Ephesians 1:19-20 and what is the boundless greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might 20 which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,

Philippians 3:10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death;

Pappa knows what is talking about! In a text he sent to me he said these profound words, “There is a level beyond resurrection. It is His life living in and through us that is resurrection power.” This is Galatians 2:20 truth!

I’m so thankful for each and every one of you that pray for me and Team Phelps. I pray for you as well that you will have a Third Day Mentality and live out God’s resurrection power on a daily basis! King Jesus wants to reign in and through you in everything you say and do. (Romans 5:17)