No, I’m not going to space. I have absolutely no desire to leave planet earth. There are lots of places that I would like to see in this beautiful world. I want to go to Greece, Turkey and Rome and walk where Paul walked. I want to go to Maine and eat Maine lobster until I can’t eat anymore lobster. I would like to go to San Francisco and Lake Tahoe. I could go on and on and on. So much I want to do.
My next trip is into an MRI tube for radiation treatment. Tomorrow, September 23rd will begin my six weeks of radiation combined with oral chemo pills. I will take anti-nausea at 2:00 pm. Then I will take a chemo pill at 3:00 p.m. At 4:00 pm I will undergo radiation for about 15-20 minutes. I will get radiation five days a week from Monday through Friday for six weeks. I will take oral chemo daily for six weeks. I should be done with my first six week cycle in the first week of November. Pray that the side effects of the treatment will be minimal and that I will be able to continue with my work in some capacity. Of course pray that the treatment is successful and that the stage 4 Glioblastoma does not grow! Pray that God will give me peace and courage through the process. Lift up my family that God will be their comfort and strength.
After this six week treatment cycle, I will be given four weeks for healing. They will want the swelling from radiation and chemo to go down in my brain. I will be given permission to travel during the month of November depending upon how I feel. I may attend an Evangelical Theological Society conference that I was looking forward to attending before all this happened November 16-18. I hope to visit family in Jackson, Mississippi and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I really am looking forward to visiting friends up in the mountains of North Carolina at some point in the month of November. The first week in December I will have an MRI to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment and we’ll develop a plan from there.
I covet your prayers and will lean into your faith alongside of mine. Like the paralytic I am counting on your faith to bring me to the feet of Jesus for healing. I will do my best to keep you informed with as much detail as possible about my journey so that you can support me in prayer.