*I think these commercials with this burgular about how to keep your home safe is creative and funny.
I have two young beautiful daughters. I worry about their safety all the time in this crazy world that we live in. I warn them when they leave the house.
Always be aware of your surroundings. Don’t walk alone if you can help it.
If you let your guard down bad things can happen quickly. If you let down the guard of your mind, things can spiral downward pretty easily. This last week I let my guard down just for a few hours. I began to think of all the Christmas fun people were having.
They were attending Christmas festivities and family and busily shopping and here I was tethered to this Optune device and fighting for my life. I swirled down the drain of despair in just a few hours.
I’m glad I don’t walk alone. I have close friends who check on me daily. You know who you are. You always remind me to keep my eyes focused on the Father, his goodness and greatness! Thanks for being there for me. I lean into your faith when mine is week. I hope all of you have a few friends like Dr. John, Bob and a few others in my life. I’m doing better this week. I’m staying focused on enjoying family.
My son and daughter-in-law are in for a few days before Christmas and we watched funny Christmas movies. They will spend Christmas with us. We have gone out in our neighborhood and a few other neighborhoods close by to enjoy Christmas lights on homes. We play a fun game of judging each house and giving them a grade. Everyone better up their Christmas light game. We are judging you.
I go in for my next MRI on January 5th in preparation for that MRI. I am taking dreaded steroids again to cause the swelling from radiation to go down so that the oncologist can get a better picture of my tumor to see how it is or isn’t responding to treatment.
1. Pray for the swelling to go down around the tumor
2. Pray that the tumor will have shrunk or not grown.
3. Pray for my adjustment to Optune. If it can extend my life then the hassle is worth it.
4. Pray I don’t gain another 30 lbs and eat the house down while on steroids
5. Pray for a solid night’s sleep while on steroids
Thank you one and all! — HO, HO, HO MERRY CHRISTMAS.